“Some people when they walk into a car, it’s like they’re in a combat zone. They feel like they’re at war; they have to speed, and conflict and anger — that is the life of some people in a car,” Dr. Borins said. Although my GTA was 40 mins from my office, I would spend 90 minutes making my way in and another 90 making my way out. That's 3 hours a day- gone. Once we had kids, I simply did not have 3 hours a day to sit in the car and, as a result, made a major life decision to move to Moncton. My commute is currently 7 minutes. The relative absence of traffic allows Greater Monctonians more freedom and choice in their lifestyle. For example, cottage country in Shediac, NB is only 21 mins away. Many Monctonians move to their cottages for the summer (or even year round) as 21 mins is an easy commute by most cities' standards. Thinking of moving to Moncton? Have you recently moved back? Share your story with us and let us know how much time you've gained in your life.
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